Wednesday, August 16, 2006

No connection

I'm still dealing with the fact that I have no internet connection in my new flat. It's driving me crazy that the ISP needs more than 3 weeks (!) to move a single line. How hard can it be?
Why is it that ISPs are focusing more on keeping their investors happy than satisfying their customers? With the huge profits that the telcos' are making these days, would it be so difficult for them to hire more people to do their work?

Ahh...I'm ranting...but I'm really annoyed by the fact that I'm taken hostage by an arrogant company. Anyway, Friday is the day when they're supposed to come by and connect the little wires that are sticking out of the socket in my home office. So maybe next week, I can start blogging again on a regular basis.

It also means that I can start to catch up with the lives of my favorite bloggers...


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