Monday, June 12, 2006

Summer party, or not...

This coming Friday we'll have our annual office summer party. My ideal summer pary would involve sitting in the sun with a G&T, eating BBQ and maybe have a friendly and relaxed game of soccer or something similar. Unfortunately the organising committee have very different ideas. Last year they sent us on a 10 Km moutainbike trip in the woods and since I really can't be arsed to get on a bike for fun I chose to run the distance instead. Not that running is fun, it's more like a chore, but it definitely beats pedalling around on a rented bike.
This year the wise people in the committee are planning an equally fun day out and have decide that we need to go to some semi-remote place for a day of team-building. How 90's can you get? Solving puzzles, getting everybody through a web of ropes, getting everybody over a rope, getting everybody under a rope, stacking some used tires in the right order etc. etc. Really, people is that supposed to be fun? And later getting fired up on beer listening to the same old stories you've heard at least 10 times before and then watching some twat trying desperately to pull every female colleague without any success and knowing that you'll have to listen to his apologies the following Monday. Not funny.

So, this year I've decided to stay away from the summer party. It's not that I don't like my colleagues (except above mentioned twat) but I prefer to spent my time doing what I like to do and not what some well meaning organisers think is clever and funny. Of course canceling participation has caused a minor disturbance in the office and I suspect the organising committee is flabbergasted that someone can actually decline an invitation to the-mother-of-all-office-summer-parties.

Also, I have a group of friends and we've been doing activities like, team-building, in-door skiing, race car driving, diving, decathlon, biking, hiking, golfing, swimming and just about any other group activity you can think about of on a regular basis for years and I really prefer to do stuff like that with friends and people that I've made a conscious choice to be with. Playing with your colleagues is just not as fun as playing with your mates.



Spinsterella said...

Teambuilding exercises are all very well. Day out of the office is nice.

But they are NOT the same thing as parties. Not at all.

Finray said...

Sure a day out is nice, as long as it doesn't involve me taking part in various stupid games. I'll prefer a good old party over teambuilding anyday.